


Es de Alicante/Alacant (Alacant/Alicante)

Registrado el 22-06-2020

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Así es Sam

My name is sam, i am 22 and australian (native english speaker). I recently graduated from my degree in which i focused on teaching english as a second language. I moved to spain in january and have been working teaching english in a high school since then.

My approach to teaching english focuses on two main ideas. The first is the individual needs of my students. I always make sure that i am teaching in a way you enjoy so that you excited to learn more and explore the world of a new language. The second is modern research. When i design my lessons i ensure that they are done in a way that modern research has shown to be most effective, to ensure my students are getting the most out of my lessons possible.

Área de trabajo de Sam

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Clases de idiomas: Inglés | Inglés online | Inglés nativo


IES Octavio Cuartero, Villarrobledo - Auxiliar de Conversación (January 2020 - May 2020)

Birchgrove Public School - Teacher (August 2019 - December 2019)

Multiple schools in Sydney - Professional Experience (February 2016 - August 2019)

University of Technology Sydney - Resident Networker (July 2018 - December 2018)


University of Technology Sydney - Bachelor of Education (Primary)

University of Technology Sydney - Bachelor of Arts (Teaching English as a Second/Additional Language)


English - Native
Spanish - A2-B1

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