Gergely Acs

Gergely Acs

Gergely Acs

Es de Santa Pola (Alacant/Alicante)

Registrado el 25-05-2022

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6 veces contratado en Cronoshare 6 veces contratado en Cronoshare


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Así es Gergely Acs

Gergely ács, swimming coach, bodybuilding-Fitness sports coach started his studies at the university of physical education, budapest in 2014. My personal and professional relationship with him started in 2015, when he became the swimming instructor of the department of swimming and aquatic sports and during this time he proved that he is able to perform the tasks assigned to him to the maximum and his communication with children is his greatest strength. In addition to his teaching duties, he has often taken on camp leadership roles at summer sports camps organised by the department.
In addition to his communication skills, which enable his to find common ground with his students and colleagues, his problem-Solving skills are outstanding. He is always on time for the lessons and, in my experience, he is a decisive, resilient and independent thinker.
In addition to his work, he has continued his training, which has resulted in a focus on weight training in addition to swimming. His main focus is the development of strength and speed, which is also the reason why he is an invited speaker at the future champions programme organised and built by the hungarian swimming federation. His task is to increase the knowledge of land-Based training for junior swimmers and coaches. As a sole trader, he has his own guest team in a functional training gym as well as a recently established online business with a main profile in lifestyle change and life coaching. In addition to this, he is working on building his own gym for which he will be a professional consultant.
I would highly recommend gergely for any job related to swimming and gym training. I am sure that in a short period of time he will get to know the tasks entrusted to him and will carry them out to the best of his ability.
Currently, he is studying at the university of physical education, msc. Human kinesiology.

(from my previous employer)

Área de trabajo de Gergely Acs

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